Some Astounding ORBs
All of these ORBs where taken in complete darkness, on a tripod, using the camera timer.

ORB appearing just behind Lynn Kent's head giving healing energies.

ORB showing placement at outreach arm/hand of Lynn Kent.

ORBs are shown to follow up Lynn Kent's arm and providing proof of life in the spirit realm.

ORB appear very close to picture of Lynn Kent's mother and father. Father in spirit arrives and shines.

ORB large and blue is shown in image taken during class with Lynn Kent of professional singer. This denotes the 6th chatka.

ORB is seen just above table tipping class with Lynn Kent in Norfolk Virginia Spiritualist Church.

ORBs appear around Reverend Brian Kent after providing sermon at the Spiritualist Church in Norfolk Virginia.

ORB is shown next to picture of Reverend Brian Kent's father Sheldon.

ORB appears next to picture of Reverend Brian Kent's mother Sylvia.